Membership Sign Up/Renewal
Members of the Icelandic Sheepdog Association of America, Inc. (ISAA, Inc.) must agree to abide by the By-Laws and all other Policies and Procedures of the ISAA, Inc. in force at the date of application, and as may be subsequently amended by the Officers, Directors, and Members of the ISAA, Inc.
All memberships must be approved by the ISAA Board of Directors prior to final acceptance. Memberships which are declined will have their fee refunded.
Members may be eligible for discounts on some events, banquets, seminars and merchandise, and are eligible for club recognition awards. Members are the heart of club sponsored events, and encouraged to participate on event committees. Voting level memberships help guide the direction of the Icelandic Sheepdog in America and of the club itself.
For any membership related questions please contact isaamembership@gmail.com
A printable pdf application for offline use may be downloaded below
Regular, Foreign and Junior Member Sign Up
Membership Renewal
Full privileges, one voting right and receive all mailings. All new memberships must be approved by ISAA Board of Directors vote per by-laws.
Foreign Members shall be persons residing in countries other than the United States and who subscribe to the purposes of the club. Foreign Members have full privileges except voting and office holding privileges, and receive mailings electronically.