2022 Pedigree Comparison
Thank you for viewing this comparison of the pedigrees of the litters born in 2022. These pedigrees are laid out in a horizontal format for 5 generations. The spreadsheet serves as a snapshot of our gene pool in the USA at this time, with the exception of a few pedigrees not in 2022. There is a “common Stud” spreadsheet, as well as a “Common Dam” spreadsheet. Each “Common” Sire or Dam has been given a unique color to help visually identify them, full siblings and "families" will sometimes share a color as it makes it easier to follow the genes through the pedigree. Not all pedigrees are marked, just the You will also notice that the names of the first generation of sires and dams have been deleted, as who the dogs are isn’t as important as understanding the make-up of our gene pool. The 1st generation is colored in either Green, Yellow, Orange and Red, these colors are derived from Dogs Global mean kinship calculations, (mean kinship – how related a dog is to the global population)
Green being genetically unique internationally.
Yellow being neutral, no loss or creation of genetic diversity.
Orange having a well-established international population,
Red being the most common pedigrees internationally.
The spreadsheets identifies how many times a stud/ dam shows up in our gene pool for our known 2022 litters. It can be a tool to identify who maybe we should or shouldn’t import, which pedigrees we may need to help steward as subpopulations to maintain diversity and which dogs might be combined towards that or other breeding goals.
Please note there are no “good” or “bad” colors or pedigrees. A very common pedigree here in the USA – may not be present anywhere else in our global population in significant numbers. A very common dog overseas – may have little representation here in the USA etc. These spreadsheets are only a tool to help us, as breeders, to start thinking “bigger picture” as part of our mission to preserve and protect the breed.
If you have any questions feel free to reach out to the Breeding Committee isaabreeders@gmail.com