Breeder Directory
The Icelandic Sheepdog Association of America does not sell dogs and makes no warranty or guarantee as to the health, quality, parentage or any value of any dogs purchased as a result of these breeder listings. The ISAA is not responsible for and has no liability with respect to any transaction between you and these service providers. These listings are provided solely as a way to connect breeders and buyers. We strongly advise both buyer and seller to independently vet all parties involved in any breeding transactions. If you believe you have had interactions with an ISAA member breeder that violates our code of ethics, please contact us directly to report this behavior.
The sire and dam of a litter should be health tested. These results can be found at OFA.org on most dogs by searching their registered name or registration number, both of which the breeder of the litter should be able to provide. Results for foreign dogs, dogs with certain domestic health testing, or test results not recorded with OFA should be available upon request from the breeder of the litter. Please note: most health tests cannot be recorded on dogs under a year old.
The minimum recommended health testing for Icelandic Sheepdogs in America is CAER eye exams and OFA or PennHIP hip x-rays. Other tests may be performed by the breeder based on the dog and the breeder’s program.
Kennel Name: Apricity Icelandics
Owner: Kayla Stilger
Location: Indiana
Contact: apricitycanines@gmail.com
Website/Social Media: www.apricityicelandics.com
Kennel Name: Breezy Brae Icelandic Sheepdogs
Owner: Nancy Franklin
Location: Ontario
Contact: (647) 532-8255 / welcomewagginpets@gmail.com
Website/Social Media: Facebook Page
Kennel Name: Caradoc Kennel
Owner: Blake Williams & Stacey Williams Sucky
Location: Ohio
Contact: (513) 465-2409 / information@caradockennel.com
Website/Social Media: www.caradockennel.com
Kennel Name: Eg er
Owner: Penny Haynes
Location: New York (Finger Lakes)
Contact: (315) 539-9448 / keezymama@yahoo.com
Website/Social Media: N/A
Kennel Name: Five-Gait Farm Icelandic Sheepdogs
Owner: Lucy Nold
Location: Oregon
Contact: (831) 332-5328 / fivegaitfarmicelandics@gmail.com
Website/Social Media: www.fivegaitfarm.com
Kennel Name: Fox Meadow
Owner: Jo-Ann Secondino
Location: Maryland
Contact: (443) 280-4966 / joann@fox-meadow.com
Website/Social Media: www.fox-meadow.com
Kennel Name: Haustlita Icelandic Sheepdogs
Owner: Joan Dow
Location: Michigan
Contact: (989) 560-2494 / joancdow@yahoo.com
Website/Social Media: Facebook Page
Kennel Name: Kessel Run Icelandic Sheepdogs
Owner: Kristine Hynes
Location: Michigan
Contact: kesselrunicelandics@gmail.com
Website/Social Media: www.kesselrunicelandics.com
Kennel Name: Kross Gola Icelandic Sheepdogs
Owner: Colleen Schmidt
Location: Michigan
Contact: colleen@crossbreezefarm.com
Website/Social Media: www.crossbreezefarm.com
Kennel Name: Red Cedar
Owner: Gabi Vannini
Location: Texas
Contact: redcedarkennel@gmail.com
Website/Social Media: www.redcedarkennel.com
Kennel Name: Tri-Star Icelandics
Owner: Sheryl Thelen
Location: Michigan
Contact: smts29@gmail.com
Website/Social Media: www.tristaricelandics.com
Kennel Name: Vittetoe
Owner: Judi Vittetoe
Location: Washington
Contact: 509-226-3191 / pjvittetoe@gmail.com
Website/Social Media: www.pjvittetoe.wordpress.com
Kennel Name: VALUR ISLENDINGAR (aka Valur Icelandics)
Owner: Heather Adams
Location: Alabama
Contact: (215) 407-3488 / cupit9f4@gmail.com
Website/Social Media: Facebook