Rally Team Class
Rally Team is similar to a relay race. While there is no baton to hand off, team members start their run as the prior team members cross the finish line. Time is continuously recorded for the four team members. It is a non-regular class - that is it does not count towards titles. Team Rally is just for fun. While team obedience requires a certain amount of coordination between the dog and handler pairs on the team, team rally’s relay style lends it self well to teams who may not see each other except at the occasional trial. Is your team going to go for speed and hope you don’t get too many points off? Or will a more measured speed allow more accuracy in the signs?
Our class will be run at the Novice level, but teams may be made up of dogs and handlers with any level of experience, and they may have mixed levels. Each team has 4 dogs, and may have an alternate. Each dog, including the alternate, may ony be entered on one team.
From the AKC Rally Regulations:
For the non-regular Rally Team Competition, any of the regular rally class levels may be offered. The Rally Team Competition will be for teams of any four dogs that are eligible under these Regulations. Five dogs may be entered, one to be considered an alternate for which no entry fee will be required; however, the same four dogs will perform all of the signs. No dog may be entered on more than one team. There is a total possible score of 400 points for each team. All team members will run the course individually, with the team time running continuously. Time will start when the judge gives the first member of the team the forward command from the “Start” sign. The subsequent dog for each team starts when the previous handler for the team passes the “Finish” sign without an additional command of “Forward” by the judge. Timing for each team will begin when the judge commands the first handler in the team to begin with the command “Forward” and will stop when the fourth handler from the team passes the finish sign. If jumps are required, they will be based on the height of the smallest dog on each competing team. Scoring. All signs will be counted with a point value. The maximum point value that, can be deducted at any one sign, will be 10 points. It is possible for a team to receive a negative score.